Cloze Test Complex

Cloze Test - Concepts
Class - IBPS PO Prelims Subjects
Concept Explanation

Cloze Test Complex

Cloze Test is primarily meant to test a candidate's knowledge of comprehension with regard to grammar, usage and vocabulary.  A cloze test consist of a passage for assessment consisting of a portion of language with certain items, words, or signs removed (cloze text), where the participant is asked to replace the missing language item. The examinees are required to make a choice from multiple alternatives for each word to be filled in the blank, not in a sentence, but in context to the passage. The blanks are numbered which are to be filled in with the most suitable alternative.

In many competitive examinations, the question paper of English encompasses cloze passage/ test questions. In a cloze passage/ test, usually a passage is given with ten or twelve blank spaces. Candidates are required to fill in the blanks out of the given choices. The purpose of the cloze test is to judge the grammatical knowledge, vocabulary power and the common sense of the candidate. The candidate must go through the whole passage before starting to answer the questions.

Sometimes one or two blanks appear somewhat difficult to answer or seem to have more than one Correct answer. The answer of these blanks may have some links with the next sentences, so it is always better to read out the whole passage first. It must well be understood that good knowledge of grammar and good command on vocabulary will be of utmost help in answering such questions.

Cloze passages/test not only judges your grammatical knowledge but also your vocabulary and common sense.

Cloze Test Complex Case:

In this case we are considering passages with a larger number of blanks.  When a candidate is confident enough with simple passages, the complex passages are easier to answer.

Illustration: In the following passages, there are blanks each of which has been numbered. The suitable word for the blank has been mentioned against the number below every passage. A student is required to fill the blank choosing the appropriate word in the context of the whole passage.

Democracy has its dangers, the greatest of which is that it may be the rule of ignorance. Citizens who are not ____1 _____ intelligent and educated are ____ 2 _____ to commit errors of judgement in the casting of votes. The best men may thus _____ 3 _____ to get elected. Elections are usually a _____ 4 _____ of propaganda. Another criticism of democracy is that it is wanting _____ 5 ______ efficiency. For prompt and effective action, unity of action is _____ 6 ______ . In a multitude of minds, much _____ 7 _____ discussion takes place, whereas unity of control is needed for vigorous national life. This criticism, however, is not very ______ 8 _____ because in times of war the British Prime Minister usually ______ 9 ______ the power of a dictator. Another criticism of democracy in times of war is that secrecy in military affairs becomes difficult, if not _____10 _____  and that the opposition usually lowers the morale of the people by its condemnation of the actions of the cabinet.

1.  (a) barely         (b) sufficiently            (c)  highly              (d) perfectly

2.  (a) sure           (b)  deliberately          (c) unlikely            (d) likely

3.  (a) fail             (b) succeed                (c) try                   (d) desire

4.  (a) kind           (b) process                 (c) matter              (d) result

5.  (a) of               (b) for                        (c) at                     (d) in

6.  (a) enough       (b) dispensable          (c) essential           (d) superfluous

7.  (a) profitable     (b) unprofitable          (c) detailed            (d) exhaustive

8.  (a) unfair          (b) absurd                 (c) strong              (d) convincing

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